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Retirement Online -- Happy Thanksgiving!
November 21, 2012
Please forward this retirement newsletter to your online friends! They'll appreciate your thoughtfulness and I will too! Thank you. If you received this issue from a friend, you can Subscribe here to the Retirement-Online Newsletter!


Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday. I've got the turkey and all the trimmings ready to cook tomorrow when family arrives. We plan on being comfy, eating loads of great food, and just enjoying the company of one another. I hope you have a nice day, and some Pumpkin Pie too!

I am constantly totally A M A Z E D at how retirees help retirees on my website. It's often not a BIG story or a HUGE Ahh-haaaa! moment, simple experiences that helps another retiree. I thank all contributors profusely for their help!

I just added a Retirement Story form. If you'd care to share your story.. just click and with your words and thoughts alone, help someone on the retirement path!

My own story of Retirement and the GYM... Yes, I am exercising... GASP!

Jan shares her Truck Driving Memories article!

Help JOY who shares her story: Retirement: From Extreme Noise to Deathly Quiet.

Felice is a Retired Traveller who shares her story!

Allan has retirement in both Florida and Canada.. can anyone help answer his questions?

Finally, Anyone interested in reading the few senior health care contributions from last week?

Senior Pen Pals: 222 members now! Just visit my website (top right corner: smiling faces saying Friendship Here!) and click to register. It's pretty cool, you can write a general note to everyone there, or you can search for pen pals in the member section, upload a photo or two, or join a group and chat on a specific topic. Please join us!

To a Fun, Amazing, Wonderful Friendship-Filled Retirement Journey!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Until Next Week, Wendy, having fun! *´¨)

Retire to the Internet.... like me.

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