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Retirement Insider E-Newsletter
June 08, 2013

Please forward this retirement newsletter to your online friends! They'll appreciate your thoughtfulness and I will too! Thank you. If you received this issue from a friend, you can Subscribe here to the Retirement Insider Newsletter!


Happy Birthday To ME! Yep, yesterday was my Birthday - and I am Fifty-Something years old. First time ever, as I edge closer to the BIG 6-0, and I am not happy with the number. Yuck!

Since you are following my site, Have you LIKED my I Love Retirement FaceBook page? Great way to connect with others (me too!)

I started a new email workshop called Retirement Ideas. It's about keeping busy and finding your new self in retirement... every email will have an idea on new interests to try (hobbies, online learning, small business, just oodles of "things to do"). You read the subject line, and have two options:

(1) Open a Read, if that topic appeals to you.

(2) Delete, if it's something that doesn't appeal in the least.

Either way, you will receive a variety of retirement ideas. I really hope something clicks and makes your retirement days truly happy!

Retirement-Online Updates

MT from Nevada posted her totally inspirational story: Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone. Comments Please!

Tom from Tx is at it again, he writes: My Senior Retiree Dilemma Continues.

Sharyn shares a poem: Around the Corner, by Charles Hanson Towne.

Smith needs help... asking: Retirement: What Did I Do Wrong? He could really use your thoughts here...

Finally, I added some Retirement Movies here. There are movie trailers to watch so you'd know if you'd enjoy it or not. This is a great way to learn about the retirement world, and they joys and struggles it brings!

Retirement Online Community

Joe W posted Senior Centers: What do you think of them? There are 3 pages of replies now...

Jans asks: Do You Remember this? and it also has three pages of replies!

Brenda remembers Old Time Radio Shows.

Retirement Community: Senior Pen Pals

680+ members in the Retirement Community now. To join, just click on the two smiling faces in the right column of the website!

To a Fun, Amazing, Wonderful, Friendship-Filled Retirement Journey!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Until Next Week, Wendy, having fun! *´¨)

Retire to the Internet.... like me.

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