Retirement and the Gym

by Wendy

Did I hear you Groan when I mentioned the GYM?

Yeah, I do too... usually.... but Planet Fitness Gyms really is different!

On October 3, 2012, 2.5 years after I retired -- I entered the gym for the first time in a long time. It was a little scary for me...

First, there is a group from my church there at the same time in the morning -- 7:30am -- and you really don't want to look funny around folks you KNOW. That was Strike One...

However, Terry encouraged me to join with him. We are going to a Planet Fitness Gyms where it's only $10 to join and $10 per month, no year long commitments, no contracts, I can quit any time. Works for me... Definitely!

This is the gym with NO Judgements, NO Critics. They even ring a bell and flash lights when someone drops the weight or makes noises... to discourage that. My husband quickly learned that when he dropped a weight on his first visit.. grin! He thought it was a fire alarm!

Since October, I've visited the gym 2-3 times a week, skipping one whole week for some great but not memorable reason. I am guessing 8 - 10 visits now.

Today, Nov. 21st, I just did 2 miles on the HILL setting... meaning the treadmill took me up and down hills (which I didn't really feel... yet!) and it took me just 35 minutes to do 2 miles.

When I first started, I did 20 minutes and almost a mile, on a much slower (and no incline) setting. That's ok too. LOOK how I improved in under ten visits! I think that's amazing! I am NOT a physical person, at all.. but if I can do even this much -- YOU CAN TOO!

Bottom Line: if you've been thinking about it, and wanted somewhere SAFE to go, consider
Planet Fitness Gyms. Just click to see if any are located near you... and/or watch the Virtual Tour video below.

I really enjoy it.. maybe you will too!!

P.S. WOW.. I can't believe I just said I am enjoying the G-Y-M.. which usually is a bad word to me! Geesh! I must be sick!

P.S.S. I am NOT selling Planet Fitness, I make no money off your clicks, just simply sharing my happiness with this Gym! Really!

Comments for Retirement and the Gym

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Good encouragement
by: Joy Collins

Wendy. I wrote in earlier in the week and I said exercise has got to happen to me sometime. In that I must make it happen. Rather wear out than rust out, yes? Good encouragement from you.

And thanks for hosting? this website. It is helping me feel better each time I read it.

Wendy: Yes, Joy... I'm working the rust OUT now... grin! Truly hasn't been as "bad" as I imagined.. I do come home every morning full of energy for the day. That always amazes me!

Best wishes! Just do it!

by: Joe Morowski

So I am now 63 and started WALKING . Bought one of the Fit Bits for your wrist and it logs all your progress on a daily basis on the computer.

I just highly recommend WALKING but start out slow and not long distances and work your way up to longer walks.

P.S. If you have a dog they sure love to come along.

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