20/20 Pandamic / Retirement Reflections

by matt i

So interesting the evolution of the Virus.

Huge 500,000 plus motorcycle gathering in Sturgis North Dakota, will be curious what happens when they leave? That event should filter out plenty of myths and truths of virus attack.

Meanwhile I have concluded that when you are retired / reflecting that my weeks never end now--the emotional moisture has broken through through the dam of routine and worry.

I have replaced my worries with awe and wonder of the world. Seems retiree's and reflectors have a obligation to read, visit, and search all the things on this earth now when you can.

You lose your immortality when you lose your memory.

I am trying to remember the flowers, not the leaves.

Comments for 20/20 Pandamic / Retirement Reflections

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Thanks for this point of view
by: Anonymous

Jane, I agree. Now is the time to explore LIFE as much as we can.

by: Jane Curtis/Texas

I truly love this blog. I have copied to my computer so that I might refer to it again and again. It is a wonderful reminder that we retire from work but not from life. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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