Keep a consistent routine

by Susan Agawam, MA

I knew I was going to retire at 58, that day is here and I cannot wait!

During COVID I built a gym in my basement and put everything in my calendar as an appointment.

Then, I discovered I was catholic but never knew it growing up and was dissatisfied with the protestant/evangelical teachings, so I started to go to RCIA, joined a local Catholic Church, did the Bible In a Year Podcast by Ascension Press and read by Fr. Mike Schmitz. I fell in love with MASS and 2022 is the year of the eucharist!

I decided to put my papers in and today is my last day 12/31/21.

I will now have a consistent purpose to get me out of bed every morning and a routine which is what I believe we all need when we retire.

Serving others and the poor really gets us out of ourselves and our boredom and depression.

Hope this helps. Good Luck.

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Five years now and more
by: Anonymous

I retired in 2016 and realised after that the date was the same as when I began work in 1966 so 50 years to the day - by accident! Some timer in my brain must have been silently clicking down the days.

I have found it impossible to slow down as I hate sitting and just watching the world go by. Purgatory for me would be an eternal beach holiday.

I helped set up a local group called a Men's shed. Since then redecorated the house (of course), now am trying to learn Spanish and improve my running times. There's always some little job to be done I find.

I'm also a steward for local vaccination centres which makes me feel I'm giving something back.

Today we have constant rain so no garden time, keep inside and warm, now.... what bit needs painting again? :)

Reply to Keep a Consistent Routine
by: Pam/Las Vegas

I am fascinated by your post and how you discovered your calling! What a great story! Can you explain what us RCIA? I think I can google the rest of the references mentioned. Serving others is so rewarding!

by: Nancy

I think it is wonderful that you found a church you love. I read the Bible through about 4 times during my retirement. I just passed 10 years in. I actually started a new job when I was 58. About church, one of my retirement activities has been taking women's Bible studies which have been very helpful.

by: Canadian Retiree

Wow, good for you.

When I retired at first, I started out trying to have some sort of routine and lots of scheduled activities but I've found thanks to Covid restrictions and just my own lack of discipline, it's become easier to not follow any sort of schedule. I even cut back on the number of activities I was doing.

I still take art classes once a week and exercise at home. Of course, the weather sometimes dictates what or where I want to go.

I think retirement is different for everyone. Sounds like you have it figured out!

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