Meaningful Work is the Key To Happiness in Retirement

by Lisa T
(Philadelphia, PA )

Retirement should be one of the happiest times in your life!

To achieve this goal, you need to have a clear idea of what you want when you get there.

Financial security is a main concern for many people, and should be addressed by you during your working/income gathering years.

The key to real happiness, however, is "meaningful work". This "work" is not necessarily done for money - it is done because of love and personal feelings of fulfillment.

Do you love to work with children, paint, work on computers? There are many outlets available for your creative urges.

Many make the mistake of thinking retirement is all about relaxation, but too much relaxation soon turns to boredom.

Keep your retirement years vital by devoting your new found leisure hours towards something that makes you feel like you have the best job in the world!

Comments for Meaningful Work is the Key To Happiness in Retirement

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How right you are
by: Anthony Element

I couldn't agree more about the importance of meaningful work. There have been several studies of retirees carried out over several years that show that people who volunteer almost halve the likelihood of dying during the study period, in one case four years.
At Paybacktime, I talk about the critical importance of a sense of purpose in living a long and healthy retirement.
You're definitely on the right track.
Great blog.

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