
by Lee

Interesting, I just retired Oct. 23, 2016. It has been almost a year now.

I am extremely miserable. I wake up facing endless cleaning and gardening, and whatever needs to be done around the house.

This is extremely unfulfilling. I feel as if at one time I was running 200 miles an hour and now running 0 miles an hour. The world has stopped spinning....

I know life is short. The past 56 years have gone extremely fast. I do not want to waste time being so miserable.

Our 4 children live in 4 different states and have their own independent lives...which is good.

I am still in this dilemma. This week I am beginning a workout regiment with a personal trainer once a week. I am searching the internet for different ways of coping and thinking. I like to write, so I am responding to this.

One step at a time. One activity at a time. One day at a time....
I am practicing PATIENCE, today.
Breathing in the Fall air.
Enjoying my morning coffee.

And watching YOUTUBES like:


Comments for MIserable...

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by: Anonymous

Oh my. I call gardening my hobby. It can even be taking out the garbage, but I make it a point to dress for it, look at the sky, make friendly eye or verbal contact with passers by. I have little projects, too that I do in the yard. Right now I am growing cherry seeds into cherry trees in the basement.

Reply to Miserable
by: Ken San Diego

Dear Miserable!

You are only 56? (wow, I remember thinking OMG my parents are so old and they were 53...Now I'm 67 and saying "OH MY GOD AM I OLD, then thought, NO! I am only 67 in number and mentally 40!)

My friends always thought I was 'their' age (which was more than 10 years younger... fooled them.. up to the point when Google came into play! (They would look up Names and it would give their ages as well OMG!) so I digress...

ENJOY your FREE time. I worked for Doctors all my career, and I am VERY happy to be away from them. (Doctors are the worst people to work with/for!)

Have a great day!

new hobby or volunteer position
by: Ron

I retired 5 years ago at the age of 53. I asked myself before I retired "what are you going to do every day" .

I decided a few months before I retired to get back into my old hobby of horse back riding. I volunteered to help out at a stable and ride a few horses. Now I own 2 which I board at a nice facility where I can ride every day.

Do you have any old hobbies you could get back into? My yard work and house chores get done when I get to them. Usually after a nice couple of hours in the saddle.

Why seek medical
by: Mark

This is a process that everybody goes through when we retire . Doctors in South Florida are very fast to give meds and that is not the answer, change is the issue and some deal with it better then others . It took me a good three months to get to this point but it is easier if you don’t feel sorry for yourself.

What is Wrong
by: D

Who did the yard work when you were working? I am going through the same thing. I retired last year and now I am 67. Well, what gets done around the house and yard...gets done and what does not...oh well.

Life if is to short to worry about this!

Dear Miserable,
by: Wendy

Please seek medical help if the physical activity doesn't turn your mood around. You do not have to live like this.

You are only 56... there is much living yet to do!

What would you still like to do?
Who might you help in this big crazy world?
What are your interests?
What did you enjoy as a young adult before life got in the way?

Pay it forward, in some small manner, to someone you run across -- a neighbor, stranger at the grocery store, the kid next door. Helping someone else will get you away from thinking about yourself... it works!

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