Movie about death choices

by natasha
(west us)


If you would like to see a movie about someone's choice of how to die, try this movie called
"slipaway". It is free on youtube. People I know in my age range (early 70s) seem to be thinking about it. I am glad I watched the movie.

Tell me what you think. Thanks

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Movie Link
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Here is the
Movie Link.

I didn't watch it, but kept it in my browser for later! Looks interesting. You will have to stop the advertisement that runs first...

Slipaway - When a homeless young musician moves into a sailboat with a feisty elderly widow, the two must overcome their differences and haunting pasts to unlock each other's dreams. 2017. Stars: Elaine Partnow, Jesse Pepe, Hossein Mardani

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