No motivation

by Wee Zer

I have not worked for 8 years. I was laid off and then two years later my Mom and best friend died. I tried getting another job but same old story, late 50's and no one wanted me.

My job made me feel like I had important work to do and people depended on my efforts to help make the project move along. Now, I have no employment responsibilities, no time clock to punch, no work goals, no deadlines, no rewards when a project ends.

It is easier said than done to pretend that your job doesn't creep into your personal life. Your job becomes who you are. People know you are 'the person' to go to for certain things. They know you will help them or guide them.

My only wish is that I could have retired on my terms and not laid off. I have not found myself either.

My husband is the total opposite of me. He gave his notice and retired on his terms. He couldn't be happier and doesn't miss work one iota. We are all so different. I am not a hobby person. If I didn't have a computer I would read more. I don't have a burning desire to volunteer. I don't have kids or grandkids. I have two elderly dogs which one has had a lot of medical issues.

I would like to have some kind of a schedule but right now, I don't. All of us, including me, have to get out of our comfort zone and try new things. No one is going to come knocking on your door to tell you what to do. Read the newspaper and find things that interest you. Look up what is happening at the Senior Center.

My Mom was an avid canner. She would grow veggies and what she didn't have she would buy on sale and can jams, pickles, tomatoes, beets,chutneys. You name it, she canned it!

It is a big world out there. We have to find what brings us happiness. It is up to us to get off our duffs and get moving!

If you can't make yourself happy, go to some stores and pretend to shop. Say hello to people, strike up a conversation on the product they have in their cart and ask if they like it or if it tastes good or if the detergent works good. Smile at the workers there. I am sure many of them are not happy and would rather be retired! Comment on someone's cute baby. Don't be a total goofball or the store will think you are crazy!

Just practice kindness and it will bounce back to you!

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There is always work to be done.
by: Sherry

Please go to the unemployment office where you live and find a part-time job! I believe you are a smart lady and can find work. Thank you caring for your sick dog! I love animals. They give you so much love!

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