RETIREMENT, I keep trying!

by Anne

I retired at 65. I’ve had good positions in all my jobs…working with chefs at high end restaurants, lead positions in factories, quality control, even the only receiver at a Target for thirteen years.

Almost three years retired, all the things I wanted to do in the house on the property…not even 30% done…I wanted to be a silver sneaker person. I attempt to grow veggies and flowers.

But days go by and I just do the basics, then read or sit watch a movie. Hours go by, husband still working I get moving to fix dinner and take care of him…but I’ve lost something in me.

Thank God for my little terrier that is faithful and spends everyday with me. No matter how I look or feel or do she’s a true friend.

When will I find the spark I need. My faith in God keeps all things together. But when husband goes to work…I’m still with the me that has close to 0 motivation and lack of interest in things I used to love…. Anne

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Retirement, Keep trying!
by: Franklin

You are experiencing what I did and I suspect what countless others have. Be kind to yourself.

These are my thoughts and I am not a professional in this space.

We spend most of our lives being driven by External forces. Sure you wanted, and drove yourself, to be a chef. To be the best. But externally it was your employer who set the overall goal and ( this is key) judged your performance.

You, and I and others, were controlled by the employers expectations and needs.

You have just freed yourself to be lead by none other than YOU. This is a massive mental change.

For me I had to recognize that my freedom came with a price: that price was "being my own boss". I had to set my own goals and take responsibility to Motivate Myself.

You can do this, you can be free and be your own boss.

One step at a time. You are worth it.

Wendy: Sooo Good!

by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach


Please keep watch as I will be writing about this soon. Just quickly, I think you are in the lowest phase of life... survival mode. Hits anytime a huge life change happens (retirement, divorce, death).

You get through the day with your basic needs. You are kinda hopeless too.

Recognize you are here -- that will propel you forward. Give yourself some compassion as you are transitioning from the world of work to a world of YOU.

Time to try adapting to your new life. Try small 30 minute stints of focus -- on anything you care to do. ONLY 30 minutes, no need to push yourself as you heal from a lifetime of work.

30 minutes of gardening
30 minutes of mindful meditation
30 minutes of writing an email to connect
30 minutes of chatting with family/friends
30 minutes of home repair (telephone call to handyman, do it yourself, whatever)
30 minutes of Silver Sneakers (do it online, no need to go anywhere, just focus and watch whatever program you choose).
30 minutes of walking outdoors

Just TRY -- start slowly to adapt to your new life. This is your new normal, begin to accept the wonderful (but different) life in front of you!

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