Sincere Friendship

by Sophia

I don't understand why as a single lady at the age of 55 is so difficult to find a sincere friend, especially pals.

Most of them thinking that a single lady must be looking for romance only. Why can't a single lady want sincere friendship... ???

Sorry to say that, till today I have not met some one with true and sincere friendship.

Wendy: Sophia, I'm not sure where you've looked for friendship on the internet, but I do know it's most certainly out there. My sites both thrive on written friendships!

Please subscribe to my free e-newsletter on this site. When you get each issue, click and read the pen pal ads... write to others who want pure friendship as you do.

p.s. I also know what you are talking about as so many site on the net call Dating sites "pen pals" and they simply are not. Two different things completely.. neither wrong, but just different.

Best Wishes & Many Friendships! Wendy

Comments for Sincere Friendship

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by: Sophia

Dear Arthur,

I have noted your comment.

I'm Malaysian Chinese. I don't think you will be interested to have me as your friend because I cant compose any poetry and my English vocabulary is limited.

Any way thank you very much for your words.

Thank you.

by: Arthur C. Ford,Sr.,poet/editorAnonymous

wewuvpoetry at; arthur

Senior Pen Pal contacts
by: Jorja

I would really like to respond to a couple of the pen pals entered, but can't find an address. How do you reply?

Wendy: Unfortunately, if the person doesn't leave their email, I can't give it out either.

You can comment and either: (1) Introduce yourself and leave your email so they can write back, or (2) Ask them to post theirs. Many simply forget...

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