Social Security Earnings Test Repeal Act of 2009

by Howard

Due to our present economic situation, a lot of seniors on social security have lost 40% to 60% of their retirement savings and the seniors I have been talking to are becoming very angry.

Representative Gene Green, has introduced a Bill H.R. 322 (Social Security Earnings Test Repeal Act of 2009) to amend Title II of the Social Security Act, to remove the limitation upon the amount of outside income which an Individual may earn while receiving benefits under such title, and for other purposes.

This would provide some relief for seniors that are now having a very rough time.

I forgot to mention the bill is currently tied up in the House Ways & Means Committee.

Thanks Howard! Great post... thanks for alerting us!

Read the bill here:

There are petitions and other things out there if you want to research this article further... just cut and paste the title of this bill (top header here) into the Google Search below!

Comments for Social Security Earnings Test Repeal Act of 2009

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SS Test?
by: Anonymous

How could they lose money? If they did what they are suppose to they have all investments in SAFE
investments. If they did not do that they have to find a way to fix it. At most only half of SS is taxed anyway so stop crying..

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