What a Happy Retirement Looks Like To Me

by Dennis

A happy retirement in my mind would include financial stability, health and partnership.

I would start off retirement traveling the world with my partner. I would visit Australia, Europe and Asia and spend at least a month in each place.

As I got older and less mobile I would find an active adult community to live in and play golf everyday. Additionally I would go visit my kids and grandkids on a regular basis.

That's what a happy retirement looks like to me.

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Find the right retirement community first!
by: Victor

I am with you on that one... I want to TRAVEL! All over the world!

But I am also a practical man, I don't want to come back after having traveled the world and have no place to go. I have heard that the website http://www.55places.com is great because it is a nationwide listing of retirement communities.

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