Disability Retirement: Injured worker @ 35

by Glen
(Seattle Wa. USA)

Hello, I am Glen. I was injured at age 35 in the construction trade. I had a couple back surgeries over two years and wasn't able to return to work. Or so I thought.

I gained over 100 pounds over the next ten years, depression and isolation, I'd guess.

So anyway after a 10 year battle of Dr visits, I was awarded full pension. At the time, I thought it was a blessing.

Skip forward to today - I'm 49, I've lost the 100 lbs plus 28 and am in good health.

My wife works full time, my last child at home will be going to college soon, and I'm feeling trapped, lost and very much alone.

I haven't worked in so long I don't think I could go back to my old trade and worry if I do I'd never be able to build retirement funds.

Lets face it I'm hitting 50 in a few months so joining the work force and building 401k don't seem like it would do much good at this point.

I try to keep busy I'm a avid outdoorsman and have done some volunteer work but am going to state when the alarm goes off for the rest if the household in the mornings it's like a gut punch.

Bottom line: in my travels of early disabilities retirement, it's a lonely road.

If I could have a redo I'd have refused the pension...

Lonely in Seattle

Comments for Disability Retirement: Injured worker @ 35

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Early Disability Retirement
by: Diana

There is hope! I was suddenly taken out of my career at age 46 and in a wheelchair. The diagnosis is permanent, so what to do?

I always wanted to take visual art classes, so I did. The result? Winning awards and later some national recognition were part of my life including being featured in local newspapers.

I have had to "re-invent" myself a couple of times since but it led to a life that was more wonderful than I could have imagined. If you choose something you truly have a strong feeling about, the same can happen to you. Take a chance!

Only you know what you have a feeling for and only you can take steps to accomplish your goal. Nothing and no one in life is hopeless ~ no one! You have your own special gifts and abilities. Run with them!


Joe W
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the insight Joe. I'm moving back to Montana to start a guide service.

dont give up
by: Anonymous

I am 64 and 49 seems so young. If you don't feel like you could return to your old profession, why not start a new one? go back to school. you have 15-20 years to put into the workforce.. try a profession that you can work at without feeling the young ones are pushing you out...Don't give up now after all you have been through and the weight loss and pain. you have only just begun.

do something even if its wrong
by: Anonymous

No its time to get up and make a new trail, no moping no doping, find a hobby, find a small job you can do, life is very short, make each and every day a good day, fill it up with something, besides downers……

I am a retired carpenter and going on three years, I cannot find the time to do all I want to….

Help at our church, help with 12 grand children, have a part time job at a hardware, at a sawmill and help the wife clean the church twice a week, there is lots to do just get out and find it, as well I write a column for the local paper, telling building stories and such…. build bird houses and sell them or give them away, make furniture, write stories, take long walks and pick up scrap metal or return bottles (I do)……


Hind Sight
by: Patricia

Hi Lonely, sorry to hear of your accidnet and problems afterwards. I too had to retire early but not by choice; thing happen as we travel through life and we have to realize at times we get dealt a hand we don't really want to play.

If you are capable and motivated - and your health allows - many persons out there would love to hire you.

You obviously have a family that love and cares for you, that is a true blessing. If you are not able to work then reach out to help others anyway you can; by doing so you will receive much in return. The Lord loves a cheerful giver and giving of yourself and your time is truly as precious as giving monies.

Sit down with a sheet of lined paper, on one side list all the good things in your life-on the opposite side write down all the bad; read through what you have written and then take a really good look - what really is important?

I think you will begin to see how blessed you are - how worthy you are -You Are Special!
You Are Loved!

Remember "hind sight is always 20-20"!!!!

by: Sharyn~~~Waterloo

Stop feeling sorry for yourself* u can still go back to school and learn a trade! u r only 50 ~~ what if u live to be 99 yrs old? what r u doing for the next 50? come on get with the program! l know people here in Canada who have had successful back surgery and have found other work that turned out to be marvelous for them ! give it try, u never no & nothing to lose. good luck

Lonely In Seattle
by: Anonymous


Hi! My take on this one is that any pension Income is a blessing. Pension Income is the Foundation for a potential entrepreneur. If your main interest is to be an outdoors man I would look at different ideas where you can use this interest OR any other skill to startup a small business.

Good Luck!

Joe W.

Own business?
by: Elizabeth

Have you seen all the ways you can earn extra cash on the Internet by starting your own business? What are your skills? hobbies? talents? Can you build something and sell it at Barter Faires or online, E-Bay, Amazon?

Can you write? Are you good at selling?

Even though I am retired and have lots of ideas for earning money, I do not have much time because I am helping out my daughter with her three sons (one a baby).

Think about what would be really so much fun for you to do that you'd do it even if you were not getting paid to do it. Hope this helps.

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