I am so nervous about retiring

by Joan
(New York, New york)

My husband (59) and myself (55) plan to retire to Naples, florida next year where we have owned a condo for 15 years so we know the community.

However, we don't have any friends there our age.

Why am i so nervous and anxious? Why can't i look forward to this new phase of life?

I have worked my entire life and we did not have children so i guess my work had a more important place in my life.

Please let me know how you have dealt with this. thanks.

  • Wendy: My two cents.. after 36 years with one employer, I was REALLY anxious to retire. I worried and thought about it over and over (AND Retirement was my occupation too!)

    However, all of a sudden, I KNEW IT WAS RIGHT -- I gave notice and I walked out that door. Guess what? NO REGRETS!

    I am happy, content, and totally done with work
    (except here on my website).

    Now, to be honest, this doesn't happen with everyone. It also doesn't mean I won't fall into a retirement transition depression down the road.

    What I think -- You will KNOW when its right. I heard this over and over for years from retirees, and never quite "got it" until I knew it was right for me.

    I pray that happens to you too!

  • Retirement

    by: Theresa

    To Joan. Boy wish you lived by me! I am 58 and retired in 2008 and have to say I hate it!

    My husband is still working. Have no friends around here my age to hang around with. All my friends I do have all have grandchildren and spend all their time with them!

    I wish I had some female friendship. I end up sitting around and crying. I worked almost 38 full years so don't want to work anymore.

    All my family is gone. Never had kids either.

    You mentioned Naples. My uncle lived down there. I went to visit him. Too hot for me there!

    The bottom line is if you retire alone and have no friends or family retirement really stinks.

    Is there anyone else out there that feels like I do?

  • Comments for I am so nervous about retiring

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    Scared to Retire
    by: Anonymous

    I have worked all my life and many days I ache all over.
    I am 66 and scared to retire. I am quite sure we have enough money. I just can't seem to pull the pin.

    by: Anonymous


    I also recently retired at 58 after working 40yrs. My husband retired 3 years ago, he did not have any problems adjusting to retirement.

    I, on the other hand, find this transition has its ups and downs. I miss the structure of work and the social aspect of work.

    Reinventing myself sounds exciting!! I am attemping to meet people in the community which is a slow process. Reinventing myself is not as exciting or easy for me.

    I do enjoy spending time with my parents family - while working I did not have the luxury of that time! taking a class was also helpful.

    ups and downs of transiton

    Dear Joan

    I also had an opportunity to retire at 58 after working for 40 yrs.

    I am in transition, everyone else seems to be working so I am slowly meeting a few new friends in the community.

    I do miss the social structure of working. Any transition takes time so I am being patient. I am in the process of reinventing myself. Sounds exiting!! But it isnt always easy to figure it out.

    Good Luck to your transiton

    When I worked, all I wanted was to be here
    by: Greg F.

    I was 25 fresh out of photography school and all I wanted was a place to take pictures. Now I never saw digital eating up film.

    I got a job with the state. It paid well and was steady work. 26 years later after photography took a back seat, I need a new steady job.

    I don't think the " big picture" will be right again until I'm working.

    A 51 year year old paper carrier? And that changed . You have to buy the paper that you used to get for free!

    I think the economy would be in better shape and their would be more jobs available if our government catered to American citizens instead of foreigners.

    I feel the same way
    by: marie

    I am 60 years old and have been working since im 15. I can retire in 18 months. the thought of it both terrifies me, and is appealing...

    Wendy: This post was moved to Pre Retirement Worries so readers don't miss it... thanks for your submission!

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