Retirement: Here's how we created an entirely new working lifestyle

by Larry Steward
(Johnsonville, SC)

Hello everyone,

My wife and I recently made a decision to find a way to relocate and create an opportunity that would allow both of us to enjoy something we love to do and make money doing it.

We were living in Westchester County of New York at the time. I've always believed in this concept and figured if we did enough research we would eventually find a sweet spot out there some where.

Well, here is how it turned out. My wife loves horses and I love doing home improvement projects. What we uncovered on the Internet was an ad from a couple in South Carolina who own a 200 acre horse farm and needed help to manage it.

Everything quickly feel into place and we now find ourselves working hard but absolutely loving everything about it ... well maybe not the high heat and humidity this summer but even that will get better.

My wife is 65 and I'm 72 but we're far from hanging our hats and accepting full retirement.

The point is, anyone can create their own opportunity if they set a course, do their homework and of course pursue something they have the experience and passion to finally become what they were meant to be.

I would welcome other thoughts about this and gladly share more information about how you too could find that magic combination you may be looking for.


Comments for Retirement: Here's how we created an entirely new working lifestyle

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Everyone Needs a Working Retirement Lifestyle
by: Bernard Kelly, Australia

The vast majority of us are "Extenders" i.e. that cohort that never anticipated that middle age would extend so far into what is still referred to as our retirement years.

And as we didn't save enough for 20-25 years of a comfortable retirement, we have to continuing working. But fortunately we are now able to choose what we do, so it's not painful work, rather it's purposeful work.

The best approach to enjoy generating and income in retirement is to take something attractive from a past career and convert that into a "profitable hobby". For example, if you have been working in the wind farm industry, you have all the knowledge and contacts to establish yourself - on your own terms - as a consultant.

Appreciating your comments
by: Larry Steward/ S.C.

Hello again, this is Larry following up to those who have shared their comments regarding our new lifestyle in South Carolina.

I am hopeful more people facing the challenge of making the most of their retirement years will appreciate the opportunity of CREATING and SHAPING a new lifestyle for themselves based on doing things that are important to them.

It is true one hurdle we continue to deal with is the hot, muggy weather in this area. However, no matter where you live, there will always be something Mother Nature will throw at you. Therefore that has never been something that prevented me from making a relocation choice. I must say however, the first thing I sold before we moved was my snowblower - Ha, won't be needing that anymore!

Good to hear from the fellow (sorry I can't see your note while I write this) who is helping others develop creative retirement solutions. I like the clever name you came up with. I am motivated to do the same. I have a strong background in career management and corporate outplacement prior to launching my home improvement service. Over the past 3 years I have completed numerous life coaching programs to freshen my skills and prepare for a further transition back to working with like-minded seniors who want to discover their path to getting involved in something they would love to do.

I'm working so hard now with this relocation and new property management role that I know it will take all the determination I can muster to get myself back into coaching again - but I am focused on it and continue to develop my planning. More to come.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and cheering me along. It really lifts my spirits.


New life new place
by: Elna Nugent, Lenox,MA

Larry: This new lifestyle change for you sounds very satisfying.

I do have one thought. You are from Seattle and the temperatures in S. Carolina are very hot even in September and the fall. Many years ago my sister married and moved to Georgia from Massachusetts and to this day has a problem with the heat. But she knew that each year she could take a northern trip.

I wonder if you could afford a reverse vacation each year and take a month off in the summer or fall to a more northern clime to a state above the Mason Dixon line or even as far as New England.

Knowing you can look forward to a definitive change for a few weeks a year could make your life even more ideal. Best to you.

Second Act Success
by: Joe W.

@Larry, Congrats to you and your wife for finding your passions in your Second Act. Both of you accomplished your retirement goal basically by going at it alone. Most seniors usually need help in finding the right retirement lifestyle for themselves.

The beauty of your situation is that once both of you 'learn the ropes' of horse farm management you could get the opportunity to own this business where you presently or somewhere outside.

Personally, I'm encouraging seniors 50+ to basically do what you are already doing. I'm the founder of the Seniorpreneur Project. Yes, just as you are experiencing it takes good physical and mental health, the desire to take some manageable risks and the ability to learn something new. Thanks for sharing your new retirement experiences.

by: Wendy

Larry -

As I read, I thought HOW would they combine horses and home improvements? Two seemingly different types of work, and they are, but that's the beauty of owning your retired lifestyle! You put your heads together -- thinking outside the retirement box -- and look at the beautiful circumstances you find yourself in.

Truly inspired by this... SEEK and YOU SHALL FIND!

WOW... Love-Love this story! Thanks ever so much for sharing!

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