Larry Steward,
Work In Retirement Coach

Introducing Larry Steward... "I am on a mission to provide guidance, information, and support to those in retirement who plan to continue working just like we are."

Larry Steward, Work in Retirement Coach

Written by Larry:

My past history includes career management and professional Outplacement positions in New York city.  I was born and raised in California and started my career doing advertising agency work in Los Angeles. I am a decorated Vietnam vet who received a Purple Heart and Silver Star as a medic serving with the Marines.

Thank you for your service, Larry!

Recipient of the Purple Heart

About 15 years ago I decided to start my own service business as a Home Improvement Contractor in the New York/Connecticut area.  I had helped many others along the way to start their own business and finally wanted to do it myself.

My wife and I moved to South Carolina.  We are both of retirement age and both of us continue to work.  We now live and work on a 200 acre horse farm that represents our day job.  However, during our off hours, my wife is an active copywriter for Internet businesses around the world including Australia, England, and Dubai. She also teaches German online.

I am on a mission to provide guidance, information, and support to those in retirement who plan to continue working just like we are. I joined Retirement-Online some time ago although, with our relocation, new job involvement, taking numerous online coaching programs, and building a Website, it's been a challenge to be as involved as I have wanted.

I have made recent changes to open up my schedule to devote more time in my effort to help others in the retirement community. 

Your interest Wendy to have people who have "been there and done that" write about their experience and share it to support others is a great service.  Now to work with you to further develop the "Work in Retirement" category is timely for me and I'm looking forward to assisting as many people here as possible.  

Larry Steward's Posts:

Click to read Larry's thoughts!

It's Never Too Late to Become What You Were Meant To Be 
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My determination to become a retirement coach like Wendy 
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Baby Boomers Rule 
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Good Things about Working in Retirement 
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Working in Retirement 
My name is Larry and my wife is Susannah. We are both of retirement age and still working full time. I am 73 and she is 65. We both had professional …

Retirement: Here's how we created an entirely new working lifestyle 
Hello everyone, My wife and I recently made a decision to find a way to relocate and create an opportunity that would allow both of us to enjoy something …