Why is there such a fuss about senior entrepreneurs?

by John H Halifax

If you have reached 60 statistics indicate you will reach close to 90. With nearly 30 years to go you should not be considered a senior entrepreneur and starting a business is perfectly logical.

The fastest growing segment of the startup community is 55-64. People over 55 who start a business are more than twice as likely to succeed as those under 34.

Starting a business at 50, 60, 70 or more is becoming common place and the question "is it possible" is pointless.

I am 71 and I am working with several startups and always looking for new ideas, Age should never be a factor!

Comments for Why is there such a fuss about senior entrepreneurs?

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by: Wendy

Yes, John, totally agree here. We have a lifettime of knowledge and experience to share in this big world!

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