Beginning of Spring

by Nina Yakimiuk
(London, UK)

Spring pink blossoms

Spring pink blossoms

The flowers are appearing in my garden and once again the promise of Spring.

It's been a hard winter with so much going on in the world. But the glories of nature...snow drops, hyacinths in the garden, leaves starting to bud makes me believe that all will be well. There is still hope and faith that God is in control.

My pastel painting of a boy crying in Palestine was special. Also, the support for Ukraine is increasing and not decreasing.

I've prayed more this winter than ever. I believe that hope never ceases and that love increases.

Wishing everyone a great day.

Comments for Beginning of Spring

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by: Irwin

Thanks Nina:

Hard to tell whether Spring is here or not. One minute it is in the low 50's and the next it is almost 80.

But we endure. It is good to see some of our trees sporting pink flowers.

It says "all is going to be right in the world.


by: Sherry/ NC USA

Thank you, Nina, your post brightened my day!
I hope your springtime is colorful and warm.
Mush happiness to you.

Yearning for the Catskills
by: Michael - Venice Florida

I can't wait to return to the Catskills in late April for the flowering daffodils.

I planted a few hundred several years ago, and most have returned year-after-year.

There is a small cluster on a hillside on my property that someone planted prior to my owning the property. I often wonder who planted them, and how long ago.

I planted some crocus bulbs one year, only to realize that I wouldn't be there to see them when they bloomed. A neighbor confirmed that see saw them blooming. A least someone gets to enjoy them!

I planted 450 gladiolus bulbs a few years ago. Although those are not supposed to return year-after-year in zone 4 unless you dig them up and replant them, I have been lucky by mulching them with layers of hay from my fields. I enjoy seeing them bloom, but receive a greater joy by sharing bouquets of blooms with family, friends, neighbors and shopkeepers.

A 2 liter soda bottle with the top cut off does wonders as a give-away vase.

I found success with planting 24 bare-root peonies two years ago. I hope the 80 bare-root peonies that I planted last summer will return with a vigor this year.

If you have anxiety and are worried - plant a garden, a hanging basket, or a window box. The physical activity will relieve stress, and it will also give you something to look forward to - a bounty of vegetables and flowering plants.

Now, if I can only get those deer and groundhogs to take early retirement!

Wendy: Good luck on the groundhogs! Took my husband maybe ten years to finally have our fenced garden groundhog-proof! :)

Thank You Nina!
by: Wendy

Yes, spring is close here in Michigan too.

We had a very mild winter, but totally agree about the world needing lots of prayer!

Thanks for posting!

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