Aw...The Awakening!

by Guinn Shaddon
(Tecumseh, OK)

Retirement: Am I dead now? Is it all over? Nothing to do; no deadline to meet; no going into my second grade classroom? Am I done?

No, No, No.

Are we all old and useless now?

Again I scream: No, No, No.

Be as you are. Do what you do. The world is full of 'stuff'. Great 'stuff' to do, to see, to learn. In this fast-paced world we can slow down and wake up!

As I age I feel such an awakening in my soul. I have grown quieter as I watch my grown daughters grow even more as they go through their trials, and my 5 grandchildren become wise and wonderful. If you just stop and listen sometimes, you can watch God work.

As a retiree, you can do what you want: sleep, cook, watch a good movie, read a book.

Life belongs to you now to make it the best one ever in these golden years.

Aw...The Awakening!

Comments for Aw...The Awakening!

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by: Anonymous

Or do nothing at all.

Good Words
by: Guinn

Hi Viper!
Thanks for commenting! Yes, Retirement is a life changer; and yes I will ALWAYS be a teacher at heart. You offered some really good advice and food for thought. I hope your thanksgiving was very happy. May God richly bless you!

Retirement illusion
by: Viper

I felt the same way when retired after 34 years of government service. Identity gone, brain seemed stale, lost friends (work), less money, what did I do?

You have many options being a teacher. Suggest becoming a substitute teacher. Where I live they are in demand. Work becomes optional plus a little extra money always helps.

In my case, I became a certified personal trainer. Have been working out for 45 years so it became natural. Only work about 15 hours a week which is good for me.

You have skills developed over a lifetime. You are an educator, go out and share this knowledge on your terms.

To Guinn
by: Anonymous

Absolutely uplifting and delightful comments, thank you for them!

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