Collecting Social Security at age 63 and working?

I have heard that one may retire at age 62, continue working full time and be allowed to keep all wages earned (if) they are placed in an IRA and not touched until full retirement age. Is this the case, or am I deluded?

Wendy's reply: I've never heard of that, and I tried to find something like that on the Social Security site with no luck.

At the "full retirement age" under Social Security, age 65-66, folks have no earnings limitations. I have a few seniors at work, collecting full wages and full Social Security (which they are banking)... so in just a few years, they are making up for lost savings.

Here is an explanation of the decision to begin Social Security here...

Just thought of another possibility... stories get twisted as they are passed from person to person.. I wonder if this was what someone was thinking. An odd Social Security repayment so that you get a higher payment, later...

Best Wishes!

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by: Ardmore, Ok.

I am 74 years young and have gone back to work. I noticed a deduction on my pay stub for OASDI (old age survivors & dependants ins.). Since I am drawing Soc.Sec., am I required to pay this. In addition I pay Medicare tax which I understand we all have to pay.

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