Are you coping with your anxiety of aging?
Aging is inevitable, right? Why waste your precious bonus years of freedom living with anxiety?
I found this quote:
“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
It may (or may not) have been meant in a different context... but when I read it, I thought WOOOW!
Anxiety, for us retired folks, DOES come when we are finally free of the working world!
AND YES, we are DIZZY with the fear of our newfound freedom! What the heck do we DO now?
So, the big question: WHY oh WHY do we become anxious when finally FREE in life?
WHY oh WHY do we pile on imaginary "What If..." worries that rarely become real... but ruin our freedom years?
“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems”
― Epictetus
See the book above? MOVING FROM ANXIETY TO ZEN in Retirement! You really seriously can do this like many others. No More Worries! No More Missing Outings and Events
One more quote:
“Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
So the real question here is: HOW will YOU respond to your Freedom Years?
Your Life Needs Purpose.
Your Story is Important.
Your Voice Matters.
You Were Born to Make an Impact... don't stop now!