Could use a friend

by Sharron

I retired in June of 2013, my husband and I started living our dream and went to Texas to spend the winter to avoid Pennsylvania winters.

In December 2013 I had a mild stroke. We went home in April, in June 2014, I had a stroke that put me in rehab to relearn to walk. Then my husband was diagnosed with cancer, he went through surgery, chemo, but died this January in Texas.

I no longer drive because my equilibrium is bad, so had to wait for my daughter to come get me and drive my truck home. So I lost my husband, and our lifestyle as we camped all over the states. I moved from our home to the town where my daughter lives.

I feel lost and displaced. I could use a friend.

Wendy: Sharron, nobody can connect with you here, but you can join the onine community (click image to the right) == then find someone to chat with privately.

Comments for Could use a friend

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by: Connie from va formerly pgh pa

Have a situation almost like yours. Have too much time on my hands. Would enjoy a pen pal.

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what image to the right?
by: Anonymous

I looked for an "image to the right" to click, but did not find an image. An image of what, please?

Thank you

Wendy: Thank YOU for writing! I didn't know it had disappeared! It's back, but wanted to say THANKS!

So sorry for you and your loss, Sharon
by: Anonymous

God bless you Sharon and give you the strength to heal and go on. Prayers for you to regain your health and find renewed happiness in your life.

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