When you give your time to others, this can truly help with your own retirement.
Retirement budgets are often strained and giving is more difficult than ever. Everyone is working with reduced resources and most of us feel as though we don't have enough to enjoy our own lives.
The idea of giving may seem unreasonable. But maybe now, more than ever, is the best time to give. There is a power in giving.
Most of us have already been blessed with so much. Our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, and others have given us a lot throughout the years. But many others are not so fortunate.
Consider this:
It's not necessary to look far from home to find real need. The United States has many homeless people. There are many people, children and single mothers not receiving proper nutrition and health care. There are children that aren't getting the attention they need to flourish. All they need is your time.
Even if you don't have money or things to give, consider giving your time.
In giving, you'll discover many personal benefits:
By giving your time, you open yourself up to others and your community.
Reaching your full retirement potential is much more likely when you give. No one can fully realize what they're capable of without being passionate about their day-to-day activities.
It's in Your Nature to Give
It's in your nature to give, even if you've forgotten. Witness most children: sure, some of them are all "mine, mine, and mine" but most kids are really quite giving and share readily. They want to take their friends everywhere with them. They want to feed the baby ducks.
However, somewhere along the way, have you developed the belief that you must keep what you've gotten for yourself? If so, you're punishing yourself. You're giving in to a scarcity mindset which, in itself, will limit your life.
So make a plan to give what you have. You may have time, money, or both to share with those less fortunate, but give something and witness the impact it has on your life. You'll be pleasantly surprised in the power of giving and the benefits it brings into your life.