How do I talk to my wife about my feelings?

by Mr.

How to talk to my wife about how I feel. For so many years I was always able to go to work (herself too) and so I talked to my peeps at work about how I feel about certain issues. then when I came home at night we would talk about current events, science, art... and so on.

We still do... but now there is more opportunity; day and night, to talk about myself. There is time now to talk about how I feel about not being on a timetable, meeting a deadline, avoiding an obnoxious manager etc.

And it is NOT easy.

I suddenly find I don't have a plan on HOW to talk to my wife about these very new feelings.

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by: Liusa


Your wife probably isn't clueless how you are feeling. Most men's behavior at not coping well results in anger, clinginess, or moodiness.

You could sent her an email. Might be less threatening than a face-to-face. I would say that it's not as important that you tell her, but rather what YOU are doing to help yourself.

by: Roadrunner 13

One thing you might try is writing in a journal. Maybe you could buy two and give one to your wife. You both could write your thoughts in the journal and every few days exchange journals for each to read. Could be fun!

How do I talk to my wife
by: Elna Nugent, Lenox, MA

Dear Mr.

One good way to talk about feelings is to first wake up every morning and think of some way you can make your wife's life better that day. In can even be a little thing you could do to help her around the house.

You can also ask her what things are most important to her aside from health and family. You can also pick at least two days a week or every day-when you can both take a walk around your neighborrhod with each other.

She may be surprised if you do all this, but surprise can be fun, You may notice how each day changes when you do those things suggested.

Life can be beautiful if you try it, especially when you do the first thing mentioned……every day .

by: Wendy

Interesting that we find it difficult to talk about ourselves to loved ones... they are a bit too close, and it's easier to talk when others don't know all of us.

Just thinking -- wonder if you might start a conversation with "How do you feel about xxx?" anything not what you'd normally talk about.

-- How do you feel about retirement?
-- How do you feel about not having to get up early in the morning?
-- How do you feel about all this time we have every day (no longer working)?
-- How do you feel about losing support of co-workers?

If even one works, and she talks about what she thinks... it might (or maybe not) open the door for you. Ask HER questions (but never a WHY question or it will put her on the defensive). She MIGHT surprise you and tell you -- then ask what you think/feel about it. IF she says "I never thought about it"... let it be. Maybe just maybe she'll come back later in the day and say she's got an answer.

Most people want and like to talk about themselves... by asking her I'd hope she'd be curious on how you'd answer. She may not... be forewarned. :)

This is also why so many hire coaches. They simply need to talk out the things in their head to put the world right again... kinda with someone who doesn't have a vested interest in the answer.

Best wishes!

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