How I conquered the emotion discomfort of retirement

by Dave

When I retired 4 years ago I felt lonely, bored, mildly depressed and anxious. Then the pandemic hit which made things worse.

Then I remembered something my former boss emailed to to the firm I worked for:

"Do one thing you don’t want to do."

It’s working for me. I learned to keep moving. I now do a lot of volunteering, keep physically fit from gym workouts, play golf and more. The most important activity for me is social interaction.

At times mild depression and anxiety return. However, I handle it by keeping it in perspective and not let it get me angry that I’m having those feelings. I stay productive with the mild depression and anxiety and have a "so what?" attitude.

I also have idle times taking naps in front of the tv.

Hope this helps.

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Go Dave!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

You have conquered the retirement life!

Life is never perfect; we are all human, and we simply need to figure out what we want and get it.

The "get it" part isn't often easy. Your ideas may happen in completely different ways than you expected. Life changes and you can go with the flow to whatever the next adventure is!

When you retire, you dream of days with little to do, allowing your mind and body to rejuvenate. But suddenly, enough is enough, time to get busy! You found the right spot for you! Kudos!

Absolutely thrilled for you!

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