Husband doesn't leave the house

I am fortunate that I have a rental apt in the back-and stopped renting it after my husband retired. I make him go back there during the day, because I know my marriage wouldn't sustain him sitting around all day while I work from home.

He is 76 and I am 62-I know, big age difference-and there is a huge difference in our energy levels and outlooks. Although he has no life threatening illnesses, he is constantly tired, complaining about aches and pains and saying I am unsympathetic. I am also responsible financially-he did not save enough to fund a retirement for me.

I'm already on anti depressants and sometimes have huge bouts of anxiety thinking about what is in store for me-especially when he actually gets sick. But leaving him seems so complicated-I try and do things with friends, but sometimes it's just overwhelming-like today-because we bicker a lot.

I am grateful to have found this site.

Comments for Husband doesn't leave the house

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Sounds like you are doing the right thing
by: Nancy

by letting your husband stay in the apartment while you work from home in your house.

It also sounds like you are not ready to make a big decision about your marriage. You are still working, so you probably don't know how stressful work is.

I say that because I didn't know how stressful work was for many reasons until I retired. Even as you work from home.

About your husband having someplace to go during the day, I had a hard time adjusting to retirement until I developed a quilting hobby, and I could be out on the sunporch and sew, and it wasn't like being idle in the house all day.

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