Husband Retired, You are Not Alone

Same situation here. My husband retired a year ago.

All he does is going to bed at night whenever he wants and get up at almost noon. Sits in the couch, eat chips, watch TV!

He cant even pick up the dogs poops in the backyard while I'm working 2 jobs to have an extra money for our expenses. I even blower the lawn because he cant do it... So lazy and no goal in life. He even make me feel guilty when he’s cooking our dinner or driving me to places once in a while.

I feel trapped and miserable. There are times that I just cry to let it to let it out but when he sees me crying, he beliittled me and tell me that I cries because I wanted him to feel guilty.

I thinking of leaving and live on my own to have peace of mind...

Comments for Husband Retired, You are Not Alone

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We all must wake up at some time.
by: William HI, USA

As an employee, work is supposed to sap you of all you energy, or til your disable at retirement.

However; as his better half, man only has woman to ready himself for his next coming. I think perhaps your husband has not recognized the importance of woman's freedom.

He may not be aware that he soon will be commenting about his loneliness of the lost of the wife he had.

We all must wake up at some time.

Stand up and be strong!
by: Michael - Upstate NY for the summer!

If you are working 2 jobs to make ends meet, then he should do the housework. Stop doing the housework in protest!

It is time for the two of you to have a discussion. Create a written agreement on who will do what and when.

It also sounds like you might need some couple's therapy. He shouldn't belittle you or make you feel guilty.

If he won't go for counseling with you, then go yourself. You sound like a lovely person.

Be strong and stand up for yourself.

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