I think too much

by Ruth

I am naturally sedentary. And the the knees gave out… so very sedentary… Now two knee replacement surgeries and this introvert who, evidently prefers not to go out- knows she needs and wants to start going out more… for enjoyment and to live a long last segment of this world’s journey.

It seems easy….. but evidently I’m scared… scared that I won’t live up to my expectations, or that my body will let me down.

So that’s me…. Retired for a very long time but yet too young.

Comments for I think too much

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Thank you
by: Ruth / Texas

Going out for a coffee is a great idea!

Thank you, Wendy!!

Wendy: Sometimes sheer simplicity wins!

Just GO Girl GO!
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Doesn't have to be far or a big deal, go get coffee at a coffee shop and people watch.

Take yourself out to breakfast or lunch, somewhere local, easy to get in and out... and breathe in some fresh air and local chatter.

Visit the Library, use their computers so you chat with someone next to you, sit in the chairs and people watch, read a magazine, whatever.

Just get outta the house when it's a nice day... as a fellow introvert, you'll be running back inside soon enough but DO get out a bit!

Its good for you!

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