Why even consider Natural Anti Aging ideas? As we age, we need our health. Without good health, we have nothing.
Despite decent finances, without health, life is meaningless.
Let’s walk the walk together and figure out how to improve our lives via NATURAL HEALTH.
Aging is Inevitable, as we all know...
but HOW we age is, in part, due to how we live.
Boomers need to think twice...
and at the end, if you don't have your health,
you really have nothing!
Don’t get me wrong, I see a doctor regularly, when I need to… but when I think about Health Care issues, it scares the heck out of me…
First, health care premiums are soaring and more employers aren’t paying for health care for their employees. Employee contributions are getting higher and higher, if they are lucky enough to get health care at all. Many retirees have no health care and must purchase it themselves, if they are able -- or rely totally on Medicare. The Feds have their new health care bill and that also scares me... I can't even imagine the liability it's costing employers. Most of this was happening even before the economy hit the skids!
Second, health care is downright scary. The Feds may end up legislating what we are allowed to get as treatment, changing how medical providers work. Getting Big Brother involved in my health care is frightening. I'm so fortunate, as a retiree, to have employer-paid health care... but I totally understand that many don't. How long will mine last?
Third, doctors simply aren't trained to keep you well. Your doctor will address the medical issue, usually with another prescription. The doctor will prescribe something (and we are usually not happy if he doesn’t, as he “did nothing”), and that med produces another problem, so another medication.
It's a never ending cycle as a senior. My parents (in their early 80s) take so many prescriptions! Drives me crazy! — AND they are so very expensive nowadays (but don’t get me going on that topic!) They also lost their insurances in 2009 as GM dropped retiree health care for white-collar non-union retirees (my dad with 30+ years with GM lost his)...
Finally, I think there is simply a BETTER WAY.
As we age, we need our health. Without good health, we have nothing. Despite decent finances, without GOOD health, life is meaningless.
Let’s walk the walk together and figure out how to improve our lives via NATURAL HEALTH.