No option but to retire

by nick
(philadelphia, pa usa)

My wife had been having cognitive and walking issues probably related to vascular issues in the brain area. She had a stroke around last Thanksgiving, and her condition forced me to retire shortly thereafter. So, I can't really get out of the house.

I do have a caregiving assistant, a former nurse who is in her early 70s for 16 hours per week. I'm hoping to decrease this to 12 in a few months and hope I don't lose her. She isn't financially well off, and I'm concerned for her from that perspective.

Wife has continence issues and can't get around on her own. So I take care of her 24/7, including getting up several times at night.

My therapist makes me do things like exercise, meditate, read, and connect with family. It helps get me through the dreary days. I joined, but they kicked me out fearing I was a suicide risk. I'm really not.

I know I have to care for my wife. If she weren't around I would definitely plan on doing that.

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