Plant Your Own Reflections

by matt i

As I continue my reflections of retirement or vice versa, and the daily miracle of life, an inspiration suddenly appeared to me about the journey into reflection / retirement.

It seems we are born from a seed-

-we develop a stem-

-we build a leaf-

-we flower to retire.

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Work and purpose reflections
by: matt i

There is no other living being or organism on our planet that has a retirement stage.

Our species has created this phase of life as a gift to be unwrapped however you may please. Our purpose in retirement / reflection is not to count steps but moments and breath thankfulness to have reached this period.

Thank you!
by: Leaking Ink/MA

Wonderful words. Simple, Impressive truth. Thank you.

by: Sherry/ NC

This is a very good reflection, but what happens in between our working years and retirement is our PURPOSE and then we lose it!!

This is what makes us sad, but retirement has a purpose too. The purpose is to enjoy your retirement whatever that means and it is
our choice and motivation to be happy in retirement!

Yes, we have to work in retirement to be happy, imagine that??

by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

Well Said! Love it!

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