please comment about my new hobby - Encore Geelong Network

by Bernard Kelly
(Geelong, Australia)


How should I move forward?

I have recently established a new network - it's basically a mobile management consultancy for active retirees to provide (free) support to local not-for-profit agencies.

Statistics show that in my geographic region (population 350,000) there are 6,000 non-for-profits and charities. Most of course are extremely tiny, and too small to be able to implement any "management" practices, however for mid-sized groups we can generally suggest ways to improve their:

... volunteer management
... fundraising
... bookkeeping
... social media
... awareness

My questions are:

... how can I attract more volunteer management consultants?
... how can I attract more not-for-profit clients?

I do appreciate your assistance

kind regards

Bernard Kelly

Comments for please comment about my new hobby - Encore Geelong Network

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More Clients
by: Fern Canada

You do fundraising, I think that might be a good focus to attract clients. Perhaps help with applying for grants, writing for grants is quite specialized and most people want help or training in it.

Or you could collect some big grants and distribute them to small clients, asking for proposals and helping write proposals as part of that. You'll get people interested in receiving money.

Training volunteers, coordination of volunteers, acquisition of volunteers are areas with potential.

Be flexible and understand what people want or need.

Write a blog.

Read, there is lots of advice about gaining clients.

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