Redundant at 70
Hi I enjoyed my job but the company I worked for deteriorated and lost work, the result was that I was made redundant.
Even at 70, I could still cope with my work. Now I feel that I am sitting around waiting to die.
I have had depression for most of my life but it was kept in check with medication which now does not work. I am seeing a psychiatrist who is trying different meds but at present feel really low. The psychiatrist also suggested Cognitive Behavioural Therapy but I can't see how it can help.
I struggle to get up in the morning and spend most of the day lying on the sofa, watching rubbish TV and trying to read.
We do not have enough money to go out and do things to take my mind off my depression.
My hobby was my ponies but now I am retired I cannot afford them so they have been sold.
Life just does not seem worth living!