Retired and Destressed

by grace c.

I retired a year and a half ago. I could not wait. I thought of lounging around the house and watching all the t.v. shows that I could only catch if I was home sick or on vacation.

Well, I lay in bed morning, noon and night, yes watching those tv shows but feeling so depressed. I wake up feeling anxious.

I have tried working but I quit the jobs after one or two months, mainly because I know I have my retirement income but then I slip back into depression because I feel so bored at home.

I don't want to volunteer... everyone else I know who is retired seems so happy and say they enjoy it... what is wrong with me?

I am under age of 50....

Wendy: Grace, you are retired, under 50, the dream most folks can ONLY dream of... and not happy? Honestly, I wouldn't have been happy to retire at 50, and I was eligible then too.

I am retiring now at almost 55, and I have such peace with my decision.. and I pray I don't regret it later like you did.

Please join my my Retirement Transition Group... Under JUST FOR FUN, Email Friendships (to the left), as we discuss retirement transition every day. It's a journey, not a simple decision as we discover the new retired persons we choose to be.

Hope to chat more with you there... Wendy

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by: Ben Berg

Hey why not write lyrics for songs it can be enjoyed and it's fun....

I'll be glad to take the lyrics and compose the music and play all the instruments to a complete demo and make the CD for you....

I do this for fun now....and you can hear a finished product of your song....just a thought ok...nothing more ok.

I compose any type of music...for your song just tell me what you want fast. slow, country, rock,etc....

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