Retirement: A learning curve

by mike
(norfolk va)

I bought a daily devotionial. Also starting going to church-which led me to change my routine.
On my 2nd week I had DVT blood clot and that changed my world

Now I walk every day and by trying to get well. I forgot about retirement and focused on keeping alive.

I work 5 times a month as a casual part time pharmacist.
I also manage 9 rental properties.

I try to find my weak times-Sundays are the worst for boredom and I go out to eat. I started eating home but this caused me to stay at home too much.

Comments for Retirement: A learning curve

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by: Anonymous

hi! sorry about the blood clot second week of retirement but am so glad you’re doing well. you’re doing good self-care recognizing that you need to reach out and stay social (no man is an island...)

keep going! best wishes!

A learning curve
by: Sherry/ NC

Hey Mike, we do need one day a week to relax and to do exactly as we please!!

Good luck to you!
by: Anonymous

Happy to hear that you are on the mend. Prayers to you for a complete recovery and good health.

by: Anonymous

You are managing 9 properties: if they are yours, that itself if a full time job.

Go Mike!
by: Wendy,

Sounds like you are an active man... getting well is a priority, without health, we really have nothing. Keep on walking!

But you are still keeping mentally fit too, with a few jobs, and thats great!

If Sunday is your only weak spot -- you are doing good! Keep On Keeping On!

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