Retirement Boredom

by Karel

I had planned all of my working life to enjoy retirement. Working provided no rewarding experiences for me, it provided a roof over my head. I saw massive lay offs, poor economies, illness and death from stress related to the workplace. My father had a massive heart attack at work at the age of 58 I was 22 at the time.

One day I came into work and found a co-worker dead at his desk. All his family got was a small flower arrangement from the company. The next day the desk was cleared and filled again within a week. I was determined not to be a statistic.

There are so many organizations that need help and would appreciate your skill sets. Mentor a student, tutor, provide office skills to a not for profit organization. Start at just a few hours a week, make new friends.

Working should be a means to provide for your family or yourself it's not a lifestyle. If you have the funds to do this, enjoy the opportunity. Not many can.

Comments for Retirement Boredom

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Work vs Retirement
by: Ken San Diego

Hello Karel,

Wow that is horrible to find all the "deaths' at the work place.

I know I would be traumatized by that...

I would also be traumatized if our BOSS was found slumped over his desk!!!! (The preparation of the celebrations by the co workers would be overwhelming! ) LOL

Have a great retirement! Do something fun for yourself!

It can be hard
by: Elizabeth , West Virginia

I retired at the age of 81 and moved to WV to be close to my daughter. Although I still drive, my mobility is a bit limited, use a cane named Fred.

I keep busy knitting for charity and enjoy the ancient history courses from Great Courses.

I thought I would just go out and find some volunteer work. Wrong! I have contacted all sorts of organizations and things go well until They learn my age. I will keep trying, but is discouraging. Man...

Workplace stress
by: Nancy

Your comments made a lot of sense, Karel. At first I thought, "wow, that is horrific, a person found dead at his desk". Then I remembered a lady who worked at my agency, committed suicide. That was horribly hard to deal with.

When I reflect longingly on my past work career, I remind myself of all the fear and stress that went along with working. And the cut throats on the job. There were always personalities to deal with that made each job difficult.

It did take awhile to adjust to retirement, and reinvent myself. Like you said, work should be a means to provide for your family and not a lifestyle. I like that comment. I need to remember I'm safe now. Work wasn't always safe.

Retirement Doldrums
by: Elna Nugent, Lenox, MA

Dear Karel: Your posting brought up a lot of how people feel at retirement.

It also takes quite a while to process the death "at work" of a co-worker and try to make sense of what it meant to a company.

But it doesn't take away for a second the value of that employee. Every person has a unique value of which we are unaware-and that person's value can never be replaced.

Your advice to others has universal value. We can all thank you.

Support Your Local Library
by: Linda/Nevada

When I was working, I never seem to have the time to visit my local library. My weekends were for working overtime, laundry, house cleaning or grocery shopping. But now that I am retired, I enjoy the peace and quiet of my local library branch that I visit frequently.

Just yesterday, I found all kinds of opportunities posted on the website of my local library. My working experience was in the field of accounting but I never really liked it and never found any personal satisfaction in the positions I held.

I have tried to find volunteer work in a museum, an after school program and a Medicare fraud program. No success. I never thought finding volunteer work could be so difficult but times are changing. If you want volunteer work you just have to keep looking. The work is out there. You just have to be persistent in looking in the right places.

I am hoping to find a volunteer job where I can use my writing and language skills that never seem to be useful in my paid jobs. Your library bulletin boards are great sources for finding events, seminars, classes and volunteer jobs. Your tax dollars are providing your community libraries with resources that can fill the void you may have had from working in jobs that did not give you joy or fulfillment. A trip to the library will get you out of your house and it won't cost you anything.

Retirement Lifestyle
by: Joe W.

I'm interested to find out what 'retirement lifestyle' you personally decided to live? It is possible to enjoy working in retirement. It just depends what kind of work makes you happy and how meaningful it is to your own lifestyle.

Joe W.

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