Do you want to know what I believe are the three retirement mistakes we make when first retiring?
So many newly retired people fall into anxiety when they retire. Recognize that anxiety and anxious feelings are normal as you retire. This IS a major life change!
Just like the transition from the learning years to employment, or single to married, or married with no kids to a family... a big adjustment is ahead. You've conquered life before and you will do so again.
Open the door and step into a new retirement lifestyle!
This lifestyle adjustment is not bad, simply different... a new life, a new chance to be who you choose to be in retirement!
You believe that this retirement anxiety, stress and/or depression is yours and yours alone. You are the only one who finds retirement as a dark unhappy place to be. Everyone else who retired is happy… at least they look happy, right?
Yikes! If you believe Mistake #1, think again... visit my Retirement Anxiety page and read the many anxiety stories retirees have written AND the advice left by "been there and done that" retirees.
You choose to remain home with nothing to do as you sink deeper and deeper into the black pit. You need rest, you are burned out from years of stressful employment. It’s so easy to turn on the tv and sink into that couch potato mode. You communicate with very few former co-workers as you find out they were only work friends, and family is still busy working. Sound familiar?
You’ve lost your work identity and you think you are now a nobody. You introduce yourself: “Hello! I am Jack (or Jill) from —nowhere—. It is true, you are no longer the job, but was that ever truly you? I hope not. That was simply your occupation, one of many identities you hold over a lifetime. Right?
I believed that my job truly was my life. I worked for 35 years with local government, the last 25 years as the Retirement Manager. I loved helping new retirees as they struggled through the decisions of retirement! I’ve transitioned nicely to an online business (you could too), and now I can introduce myself as “Hello! I’m Wendy from Retirement Online”. Life is good.
These three Retirement mistakes are costing you your happiness! There is still lots of life to live. Get back in the game — as fast as you can. You can do this!
Here are a few ideas to get you moving in the right direction. Move towards the true freedoms of Retirement and the New YOU:
This is my Business-In-A-Box... my websites!
You can start your own small business like I did. Start small, work if and when you want to, find motivation & direction in life, find new friends networking, and earn some supplemental retirement income too. Find lots of business ideas at: |
I am a Retirement Coach and Business Coach too! Let me help you!