Retirement: Sleeping too Much!

by Elizabeth

Too Much Sleep!

Too Much Sleep!

t's now been a month since I retired from a very stressful job in the education sector, I am 64.

I have worked since I was 15 and still feel that I should be working. Since my retirement life seems to have halted. I met all my friends through work and I don't like bothering them now as their lives have moved on.

I sleep late every day and feel guilty because I am not contributing to society or undertake housework because I feel exhausted and generally Ill. I should be happy and blessed but feel something is missing.

I have a wonderful husband who is also retired and he has accepted retirement graciously and loves the freedom it brings.

It feels good just to type this, I need to help myself out of this rut.

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Sleeping Too Much?
by: Ken San Diego


After all those years of working (like me I worked about 50 years) YOU deserve no pressure, no stress, no schedule, and sleep?

YES, Stay up to 4am or head out for breakfast at that time...I do and you would be surprised of what people are out at that time! Then you can go home and relax or SLEEP!

After I totally retired even after working part time for my friend's company...they moved to Texas, they called and asked if I could work for them even online?

HELLO? when does this WORK thing stop? I said I'll think about it..(knowing my answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)

Enjoy your freedom, take spontaneous trips even for lunch to another city...I hop the train from San Diego and head out to San Juan Capistrano with or withOUT friends..just to have a late lunch / dinner! I know I can stay out late, cause I can SLEEP again! LOL!

Have a great time. Ken San Diego

You earned the zzzz's
by: Vi

Retired educator of 18 months. I slept a lot initially too, but it takes a long time to unwind and relax a tight spring of 50 years of discipline!

Be kind to yourself, transitions take a full year or more.

Graduation. Marriage. Empty nest. Death of loved one, so retirement is no different.


Therapy is helping me explore my too much sleeping
by: Carol/West Chester Pa Name/Location

Sleep - way too much. Ignoring housework, ignoring myself. I am a widow. I retired in 2012.

First year happiness and freedom. Day trips with my grown children and their preschoolers, vacation trips. I was needed. I was included in activities. Fast forward: Grandkids in school, my grown kids out working. Me at home.

Sleep increases to 12 hours a day and more daily.

Depression set in, aches and pains increased from arthritis. October 31, 2016 major panic attack, called 911. A caring doctor talked gently with me and among his suggestions was the thought to find a therapist.

I was given a take home list of therapists to call, persons who accept Medicare payments. After a month I changed therapist within the same group, the first was not a good fit for me.

Six months later, weekly still with my therapist realizing there are some long time emotional habits holding me back from enjoying retirement and my life as it is today. Working through issues is a slow journey.

How does this relate to too much sleep?

Slowly like peeling an onion I am working through issues and facing myself in the daylight. Waking up feeling alert and waking up one hour earlier than my usual hiding in sleep time. It's a start.Too much sleep for me has been a way to not face myself.

Do I wake up and burst out in a Happy Broadway Song! Not likely, but facing the day is a start to enjoying my life.

Still have to tackle the housework. Right now is a good time to do a quick 10 minute pick up, then lunch and off to a free afternoon concert at the local library. It feels freeing to face myself and to face the day.

Easy does it
by: Anonymous

I retired a couple of years ago and for the first few months, I too needed all that extra rest. My body still wanted to get up at 6 a.m. and I had to tell it to go back to sleep. I

wasn't just tired after all the years of working, I was exhausted. So listen to your body and let it be. It's so nice now to never have to put the alarm clock on unless I need to.

I too felt guilty about not giving to society but that to has settled down. We are a society of having to define ourselves by what we do and not who we are. I volunteer at a couple of organizations and that's enough for now.

It's hard to allow ourselves to stop giving out so much and finding a balance during this last phase of life.

So just be easy on yourself and as time goes on you to will find your own balance.

Retirement: Sleeping too Much!
by: Anonymous

I am 66 and have been retired for 6 months. I didn't realize that I would have a transition period, but it was a major change in my life.

It was hard to get used to the fact that I could tackle major chores around my house. I just refinished my pine living room floor. Being on a tight working schedule for 48 years taking care of my seriously ill husband for years and my Mom. It puts your life in perspective. I lost both of them (my 2 best friends) 5 years ago...6 months apart.

I know now that I can take my time doing projects/gardening and even visiting old friends. I'm going to yoga and meditation classes and that seems to help.

Don't be too hard with yourself. Everyone is different and I think that you will find your way!

Good luck. Always be grateful for every day!

meeting others
by: Anonymous

If your community has a senior center, I suggest you go to it at least 3 times a week for a few hours.

Try to plan to do something at a certain time in the morning every day, exposure to the morning light my help lift your mood.

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