Retirement Story: Elizabeth from GA

by Elizabeth D.
(Byron, Ga)

This is Elizabeth's retirement story. It's in interview form, just as she entered it into the website.

She has a refreshing view of retirement -- sounds quite content and happy!

I hope her words offer yet one more retirement perspective for your life!

Thank You Elizabeth!

When did you retire? Jan 2005

Age at Retirement: 67

Current Age: 74

Marital Status: Married

Occupation(s) when employed: court reporter

Elizabeth's career history: Started out my career with several employers over short time periods, and then got into the legal field, where I spent the next 32 years.

Why did you retire? What was the reason? After many hours of deliberating with myself, I retired voluntarily. I loved my job and didn't know if I was really ready to retire but my main motivation was that there were some things I wanted to do that I knew time would be getting shorter to ever have some leisure time.

When did it REALLY sink in that you were REALLY RETIRED? Oh, it sank in that very first morning that I didn't have to go to work and I didn't have to get up early. Had really never liked getting up early and so I knew I was there the very first day.

Was your marriage affected by retirement? I am married now but was not married at the time of my retirement so it had no effect.

What's your choice of location and housing? I live in Middle Georgia in the same location I've been in for 38 years. I have a home and feel there are probably more desirable locations but this is home and where my roots and friends are. So have decided I would stay put. Decided I was beyond the point of starting my life over again.

Depression - Anxiety: Did you go through a depression when you first retired? No, no depression. I think everyone is a little anxious about their monetary situation and will they have enough money but you soon find out it's cheaper to live when you don't have to have the expenses of being employed.

Happiness: I always loved my work and the people involved with my work but never missed it from the first day. I knew I was ready and have enjoyed my retirement. If you live alone, however, it seems to me to be happy you have to get out and be around friends and be in the world.

Are you employed now? I am not employed in any way. For several years I did transcription for my former employer and enjoyed that but now that is over and I am free to do what I want when I want.

Hobbies: I have very active in my church and attend senior exercises regularly as well as line dance classes and have friends that I interact with and so life is good.

Day in the Retired Life of Elizabeth: Get up in the morning and do my household chores, go to the senior center for senior aerobics or to my bible study class once a week at church. In good weather I may work outside for awhile. I often meet friends for lunch and I enjoy reading very much and so I do spend some time doing that. I also do a lot of cooking for my husband and I. I have two cats that are very much a part of our household and we enjoy them.

What would make your retirement easier? Don't know but who really needs easy. I'm doing fine.

Retirement Satisfaction: I think happiness and satisfaction is something that is inside of us if we try to think positive thoughts and try to help others. My faith in God is also very much a part of me and something I practice regularly and that makes life so much more satisfactory. Of course, materially speaking, it helps to have the finances to do what you enjoy.

I enjoy traveling and try to take at least one, maybe two, long trips a year and then shorter ones fairly often with a local travel group.

What is your biggest retirement challenge? My biggest challenge has to be trying to maintain my health. At the present time it is good but I want to keep it that way by eating right and having daily exercise.

How do you help yourself to aging gracefully? I do try to eat well, not too much, and exercise is a very important component, walking and aerobic exercise. I also do some online puzzles but not much writing. Think weight control is important as well as regular exercise.

What's your biggest frustration with retirement? I cannot think of any right at the moment. Think the world today has become much more conscience about the welfare of seniors and stress things that are important to us like travel, good eating habits, exercise and social activities.

What worries you? My only worries are my ability as I age to do the things at home that I need to do. But at that time I now that there are senior housing that is available to enable us to live easier.

If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for today? To be able to have the stamina to travel more and stay on the road more.

Advice for New Retirees: I think it is wise to start trying to formulate some sort of plan in your minds several years before retirement as far as what choices you'd like to make and just what you will do with your time and to decide do you really want to retire at this time in your lives. Retirement at a younger age is not for everyone.

Just think we are blessed to live in this age of the baby boomers and at a time when much attention is paid about the problems and advantages of senior living. Some years ago there were absolutely no facilities to help seniors in any way and so there is much available to us that used to not be there.

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Comments for Retirement Story: Elizabeth from GA

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Enouraging story for Others
by: O.P.Joshi


Congratulations, you never complained agaist any body and enjoyed life and retirement.
It is lesson for all those who are retired or achieving retirement.

Lifelong learning or leisure
by: Elizabeth from GA

To Joe:

Do I believe in life long learning for mental stimulation or leisure and things I just enjoy?

Have to say that I'm not really into lifelong learning. Have a very close friend I travel with and she is a firm believer in the life long learning for stimulation. I always tell her to please do her lifelong learning with someone else because I am strictly into leisure and things I enjoy at this stage of my life.

At the date of my retirement I had worked 50 years, very hard may I say, and my mental stimulation comes just from seeing all the wonders that have been created for us to enjoy in this world.

Like I mentioned, my great passion is traveling. However, I don't do cruises for the very reason that when I go somewhere I have longed to go I want to spend more than a few hours there.

Am planning a trip this fall to Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and am spending a great deal of time on my computer finding out all I can about what there is to see and do.

I do think lifelong learning for mental stimulation is a great way to spend your time but just not for me. Think we learn new things every day just from our daily environment but no deep
learning for me.

wonderful story!
by: Anonymous

I loved your positive attitude Elizabeth.

Although I am still having a time adjusting to retirement, as I wrote in awhile back, my peace and serenity will come back. I too have faith.

I am just very outgoing and have been with people all my life, until I retired( hubby has one more year of teaching).

We live in an isolated place in the countryside, but might move closer to family when my husband retires.

I know God will get me through this and like you, one day retirement will be a happy time for my husband and myself. We love to travel overseas also and plan to do more in the off season( cheaper) when my husband retires.

Enjoy your time! Thanks for the positive attitude too.

Retirement Story
by: Anonymous


Hi! You have a great way to explain your retirement story in an organized and detailed fashion. It looks like your doing a lot of things right. I see that Travel is your real passion.

I have a question for you. Do you believe in Lifelong Learning for more mental stimulation in retirement OR do you strictly believe in the leisure life for most of your pursuits?


Joe W.

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