
by Anon.

I retired at age 62 from a government job where I had worked for 33 years in different capacities. I always enjoyed my work and the people but a new CEO came along and turned the organization upside down.

A package was offered to those eligible and I took it - I was very anxious at first, then went through months of enjoying meeting friends for lunch, volunteering at the humane society and even a 4 day trip to NYC.

My pension is decent and I have no mortgage and thus no money worries about which I am very grateful.

Then in May my sister became seriously ill - she is recovering now and should be fine but it kicked the depression and anxiety back to me - I thought it had gone - I force myself out to volunteer and meet friends but I am depressed and anxious a lot for no given reason - reading this site makes me think perhaps I am grieving for my job - I retired last October 2013.

I definitely miss the morning coffee and chats with the "girls" but the girls have transferred to other offices so I wouldn't be working with them anyhow. I still see many socially.

I have taken anti depressants for years as depression runs in the family but they don't seem to help after working well for so long. Its been very disconcerting to me as I haven't felt like this for over 20 years.

Wendy Have you told your doctor? Maybe you need a different med and it just happened to coincide with other life happenings? If you'e taken meds for years, why suddenly at odds? Ask a professional for help and find you retirement happiness again.

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