Retirement--the best of our lives!

by Julie Grenness
(Melbourne, Australia. )

Our retirement years can be regarded as the best of our lives. But what are we all retiring to? This can depend on our age and health. Anyone can experience a health issue, and be really struggling, stat. Some seniors might have a significant other, but can still end up single. Some lady grays seek a king in retirement, some may not.

Many retirees these days do have limited incomes, but they can look for simple pleasures, even in their own suburb. Others with higher retirement income streams plan to say, "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off on holidays we go!" They proceed to explore their own lands, do a grand tour of Europe or Asia, or even photo safaris of the Serengeti, sailing home on a cruise.

There is nothing wrong with any hobbies you might wish for in these retirement years. We can enjoy fun best days of our lives while we can. For example, the best days of my father's retirement living were spent pottering in his garden and man shed, being my mother's devoted companion. They both liked reading library books, for free. My sisters and I are older lady grays now. We still like reading library books, trying new authors. Nothing wrong with reading in retirement, book lovers agree. We have more time to read more books in the best days of our lives.

In our retirement years, we can learn new skills, explore any spiritual side, or use our talents wisely. We can keep an open mind about the future ahead for all of us, and about an belief. The online world is great for keeping our senior brains engaged and alert, with courses, global interest groups, and for staying in touch with family and friends, old and new.

So, what did you retire to? Lots of folk I know are enjoying babysitting their grandchildren.To them, that is the best of times, making quality happy memories, their living legacy. Lots of photos, sharing simple pleasures, happy smiles. To them, this is the highlight of the rest and best of their lives. Nothing wrong with any of our choices.

It is good to be optimistic, to make realistic and achievable plans. Retirement years! Let's make these days the best of our lives!

Comments for Retirement--the best of our lives!

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New doctor
by: June from GA

The past few years have been pain filled. deep down pain in my arms shoulders neck collarbones.

My regular MD plied me with cortisone creams gabapentin and encouragement.

Finally decided to see the country doctor in my town. No frills no 15 minute visits no huge staff. Just him and the lady up front for 18 years.
He went over everything that had ever happened in my life, over 2 hours.

We discussed everything from surgeries to pain to libido. Never have I felt so cared for. He even drew my blood not leaving it to someone else and filled out the order. He is having me stop a medication that is probably the culprit, a strong statin. But the blood test will tell more.

I am already sleeping, which had been major and pain is getting much better.

What I want to say is not all this new dangled medicine is the answer. A caring knowledgeable physician goes a long way to treat the WHOLE person.

Think about this the next time you have need to see a doctor.

What are you retiring to?
by: matt i

just a wonderful well written reflection--spot on for us Americans as well --to be able to have this special phase of life and enjoy simplicity at its best --

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