Senior Pen Pals... the order listed?

I was just wondering why the new seniors aren't put at the beginning of the your new list of pen pals? Some of the names that have previously been listed are still on the top of the list, while new listings may be near the bottom. Some people may just check the first number of members that you say are added, & the new members lower on the list may never get noticed.

Wendy: I agree, this is an issue, but something I can't control. This is part of the software I use, and they are displayed in no order.

I made a small personal blog on one page where I post my weird two cents, nothing really just 'retirement' related.. and it's also all out of order. I had a 6-mo retired and a 1-year retired post and the order is reversed... it looks odd.

Oh well, I do what I can! I do keep thinking about how to host this best... and have changed senior pals many times! One of these days, I just might get it perfect too!

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penpals wanted
by: Barbara Randall

I would like to make more friends I'm good at writing back. I live in Tampa Florida but will write anyone. I been married twice divorce once. I have two grown boys. I love animals. I like walking,country music,word puzzles,dinning out,collect recipes,cooking,baking,movies or DVDs,mysterys,penpaling,family,friends.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Barbara Randall

Wendy: Barbara click on the two faces to the right and register for the community. THAT is where you will find pals!

by: karen

Wendy ~ I think perfect is over rated, I think you do a great job on your site, its wonderful to have a place to find friends.

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