Senior Penpals

Senior Penpals are fun! You can travel the world and find new friendships - from the comfort of your own home!

Inky Trail News, my print snail mail pen pal newsletter... more here!

In today's world, we can write to someone across the nation or worldwide, in our later years, and find true friendships! How cool is that!?

I had pen pals worldwide back 20 years ago, then I started to publish my own pen pal newsletter.. just for fun! Inky Trail News continues to serve my creative side.

The Senior Pen Pal procedures on this website were recently changed -- I invite you to join us. Just click the "community" link on the top left navigation bar and find new pals in an safe and secure environment. I manually approve every senior into the group to keep it safe.

If you'd like to learn more about the new Senior Pen Pal Network, go here: Senior Pen Pals

If you'd prefer to simply join our free e-newsletter, subscribe below! You will find ample opportunities to connect with seniors via my website pages. thanks!!

I hope I can send many email friendships your way!

Happy Writing!


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