Social Security for
Married Couples

This video, "Social Security Timing for Married Couples" is from the Society of Certified Senior Advisors (I am a member). 

Mr. Al Hurt is a financial planner who now specializes in optimizing Social Security benefits for his clients.

NOTE: The video (March 2014) is one hour long but well worth your time! You can hit the small [box] in the lower left hand corner of the video to make it open up to your full screen. The ESCape key will make it smaller again. OK?

Mr. Hurt will discuss:

  • Traditional 3 leg stool of retirement that has become a 4 leg stool for those in the boomer generation.
  • What are the Benefits of Social Security system?
  • Will it be there for me?  Is the system solvent?
  • A look at the history of Social Security & life expectancy changes 
  • How do I qualify for benefits?
  • How is Social Security calculated?
  • Cost of Living adjustments
  • When to Apply for Retirement?
  • How does this affect the spousal benefits?
  • Follow some Case Study examples to understand better
  • Are Social Security payments taxed?

I really think you'll learn a lot... so I hope you watch this!

A few years ago, I wrote about how early retirement might affect your spouses benefit.

You can find lots more on Social Security for Married people here.

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