Thank You

by KFJ

I stumbled across your site and it has given me great comfort.

I’m 67 and retired about 4 months ago. Oct 2017. I’ll soon be 68. At first I was busy with congratulatory lunches, getting ready for Christmas, doing what I needed to do for Social Security Medicare. You get it!!

I had all these things around the house to do and I have done some but not all because been cold. I struggle with feeling guilty about not being productive enough, I miss my daily interaction and even the structure of my tasks.

I thought retirement would call for less expenses but I haven’t realized that yet. Some of my friends say the way I’m feeling is normal, older sister said she never felt this way as she has been retired for years.

I’m single with grown married daughters and young granddaughters. Which retirement is nice because I can go to more functions and not be dead tired and help out when they don’t have school.

But I worked from the time I was 17-21. Stay at home mom from 21-29. Then I was single and worked from 29-67. I enjoyed my job and people I worked with so I was never miserable but worked hard and many hours.

I have several good friends, some lifelong friends and lots of acquaintances so I do socialize and have a couple of confidants.

So the point is, I’m getting at is that I appreciate your site to read that I’m not alone in my feelings and hear different stories. Makes me feel better. I will probably sign up with a temp agency and make a few extra dollars and get interaction.

So thank you very much.

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Testimonial Thank You!
by: Wendy

I am grateful for your Kudos here! Thank you!

To me, it sounds like you are moving along in life. You are thinking about the next step, not simply mired in the depression of reirement.

Keep On Keeping On!

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