God please help me - dark night of the soul at year's end

by Brother Boniface
(Muensterschwarzach Abbey, Germany)

At one time or another in a persons life it may have happened that everything around looked like darkest night. No light, no stars, no cheer but hopelesness, despair and not knowing the way anymore. It has even happened to this writer even though, I am doing so much better and have been helped I do remember that those were bad days, weeks and months, as long as this dark night of the soul lasted.

There seems to be nothing a person can do in this state of mind. However this is not entirely true. One of the first things anyone can do is to call for help. People around one, even loved ones and family cannot know of the perhaps desperate state of mind. They may feel that the person is withdrawn, acting down, having no fun anymore and keeping more to him or herself.

No one can actually look into your soul, so no one can feel with you the same abyss, the same depth of feeling lost and hopeless. So telling someone is a good first step.

Sometimes a doctor can help by sending a person like this to a psychiatrist or neurologist for evaluation. It needs a trained neurologist to attest to depression and then it may perhaps need medication and treatment by a therapist in order to get best results.

This dark night of the mind can happen anytime to anyone. Often it happens more during the dark time of the year like December, January and February when there is little sunlight and less chance to walk outside and to enjoy the great outdoors.

There is no shame and fault finding when a person feels like this. Pressure can build up inside, things that were never fully worked through in the soul can be the cause and darken the horizon. Remember, letting someone know is important. If you had lost your way in the city would you ask someone for help? Surely so.

If the sun is darkened and there is hardly any light to walk one can ask a friend or loved one for help. Sometimes those around will be relieved when a loved one tries to open up and talk about these bad inner feelings.

Comments for God please help me - dark night of the soul at year's end

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Apr 08, 2013
Dark night of the soul.
by: Candy

Now I am 49. I struggled through out my child, felt unloved by parents and siblings. Tried to run away from life being entering into a convent. But after a span of 2 years, they rejected me saying I am not worthy to become a nun. Returned home, all the more depressed and dejected in life. Again struggle started in the old way. Escaped from home town and found a job for sustaining. Since job was not much paying, experienced lot of poverty. Found a boy friend, who used and throw me. Tried to commit suicide but, got escaped. Life was very bitter, lonely till 24 years. When I could get a loving partner in my life and got married. Happily living with 2 daughters and spouse. However, now daughters like to go there own when the decision of life partner is concerned, which is very hurting. I cant explain all these stories of my life to anyone. I am fed up again as I am nearing my retirement. I feel the dark night of my soul every night. I cannot stop crying every night. Don't have any friends. All friends only make use of my good will and generosity. Sometime, my spouse understands me but, most of the time, he never understand my feeling and shouts at me. I am feeling very sad and depressed in my life. I don't know how to come out of this deep sea. Sometime, feel like ending life. Could anyone, stand by me at this darkest night of my soul....

Jan 22, 2013
Thank You for yourcomments and my god bless you all
by: Anonymous

I would like to thank you all for you comments and up building. As my strength comes from our lord god allmighty and with out the mornnig text and our church. We would not servive this traume. of loosing our grand children but our god has said we will get them back. My faith is strong on this and will stand by it. As I know we are in the last days of this system as we know i The bible tells us. that the rapture is near at hand

Jan 20, 2013
the darkness of my soul is DCP
by: Anonymous

Back twenty six years ago, I made mistakes I am not proud of and now for the last eleven years the Western Australian Department of Child protection has made life like hell. Our daughter can not raise the children and we took them on from birth and now through liars in the community we have had them taken away from Us and we are so down over it. Our lord god tells us it is our god given duty to raise them up in his ways not in the ways of the world. They have been placed with drunks. They are not happy at all. We have not been able to see them for the last six months.

Dec 21, 2011
by: Angel

No one is alone...the angels watch over us all.

Dec 15, 2011
dark soul comment
by: Kae


Your information regarding depression was helpful and I'd just like to add that some individuals experiencing this deep type of "blackness" often require an advocate because they are too sick to seek help themselves.

Hopefully the advocate is there to see them through the lengthy time period it takes from first diagnosis to medication and then stays to offer support during the in-recovery time period which could last for that poor soul's lifetime.

Sometimes people with this illness do not have any friends or family and must rely on social workers and front-line mental health personnel. My heart goes out to these ones also.

With much respect to you. Kae

Dec 14, 2011
dark night of the soul
by: Carol

Thank you for your post. Last year at this time I had a long, dark night of the soul.

There was no reason for this, I told my doctor that I was having dark moods, and wanting to cry all time. She upped my medication. This plunged me into a darker night. I did not ask for help from others, I did lower my medication (celexa)which keep me from harming myself.

I live alone. My kids included me in activities, I worked so I got out of the house. I did not ask family for help because I did not know why I was so dark, and therefore, did not know what to ask for. And still would not know what to ask for.

Thankfully this year my mood is bright and happy.

Why the difference I don't know. Your post was a good reminder to me to remember to not let myself go into the dark night of the soul.

Dec 14, 2011
Bless You
by: Anonymous

Bless You Brother Bon

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