Good Things about Working in Retirement
by Larry Steward
(South Carolina)
Hello all of you in your golden years!
I'm curious how many of you like me are continuing to work in some form or another? I am on a mission to help others who have decided to take this step make the most of finding something they would love to do and make money doing it. Loving what you do to me is the secret of making the effort a successful one.
There are many benefits of continuing to work no matter what path you follow - part-time, full-time, or somewhere between. There are many combinations but consider these potential positive results of being involved in work you would enjoy:
feeling good to have extra money going into the bank account
experiencing a sense of accomplishment and purpose
feeling connected to like-minded people and building friendships
eliminating boredom and depression
finally becoming the person you always wanted to be
We are all on a journey into an unknown territory that may last for a long time. I believe it makes sense to take time off and smell the roses if feasible, but don't ignore maybe turning that hobby into a profit-making activity when you consider all the positive benefits.
I look forward to hearing comments on both sides of this position.