In Hindsight

by Tracy

You are lucky your Mom wanted to declutter. Many people don’t want to part with one item.

When we had an estate sale for my Mother’s items I wish I would’ve just did Facebook Marketplace for the entire contents. The estate company comes in, tells you how much you will make and when you sign on the dotted line they tell you to sell things for $1.

When we moved recently, I did facebook marketplace and we made so much money it paid for professional movers! It took 2 weeks to sell everything.

The bad part about people retiring now is that we are caught up in some real estate boom. Our plan was to retire and search out places to possibly move OR get a 2nd place to snowbird. We can’t now because pension groups are buying up the homes to rent, driving up the costs. I feel bad for first time homeowners.

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Estate Sales
by: Wendy, Retirement Enthusiast/Coach

I wrote about Estate Sales earlier and wanted to share it here again:

Estate Sales

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