Life Flies when you are Having Fun!

by Ricardo

Never thought that I would reach this "plateau" in life. I always thought that "maturing" was something that happened to "old people", you know, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents.

I knew how to be a just play, have fun, and listen to mom and dad, no worries, no heartaches, just for the moment! All of a sudden I find myself in college, first time away from home....a bit scared, but a whole new retrospect on life, and did I live it to the fullest! Once again the party continued. Not a care in the world, not even my grades! Well, the party ended when I lost my student deferment, and reality hit me right between the eyes, and so did Uncle Sam. He took a few years of my life, then marriage, a daughter, grandchildren, and here I am, I have come full I am "mature", and ready for the next step in my life.......R-E-T-I-R-E-M-E-N-T. Adieu!
Wendy" Yeah, time flies... especially as we age! I still can't believe I worked at one employer my whole life, and now retired. ME! Retired? Yep!

Maybe I'll wake up tonight and will be starting my career anew! grin! It was all a long dream.. like Sleeping Beauty!

Hey Ricardo -- are you RIKK (email address) as in the Retirement Transition group? Never noticed your email address before, and it just hit me! I KNOW this guy.. well, kinda....

Comments for Life Flies when you are Having Fun!

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Aug 14, 2012
Response to Ricardo
by: Gordon G Kinghorn

Thank you my friend, I have re-read your comments regarding the forthcoming retirement phase of your life - and on no less than four occasions… subsequently, my thought-juices are now flowing. Over the next day or two, I shall forward another contribution to Wendy, based primarily on your post-employment thoughts – you have injected in me, literary stimulus for sure – watch this space do!

Aug 14, 2012
Trying To Reach You Wendy!
by: Zenobia

Hi Wendy...I am sorry to use this forum to contact you. I tried several times last night to reach you and tell you that I am more than willing to write blogs, etc. I just need to know where to place them.

Also want to thank you for all you do to encourage, inform and enlighten us as we march
down the golden road of "maturing".

Could you please email me at ZisSAVED at because when I use your contact information place, it just sits and does not go through.


Again, thanks for this great place!

Aug 14, 2012
Response to Gordon
by: Ricardo

Gordon, thanks for the "welcoming", little did I know or appreciate the fact when I was younger, that one of the most important things in our lives to cherish and nurture is our well being, both mental as well as physical. I currently work on both judiciously!

Aug 13, 2012
Welcome Aboard Ricardo
by: Gordon G Kinghorn

I have little doubt that you shall adapt most quickly to the ranks of retirees Ricardo, a most agreeable and highly pleasing state-of-grace, richly deserved and therefore to be fully enjoyed – not just experienced.

May you remain happy, fulfilled and comfortable for decades to come. Always keep in mind my friend, that there exists a world of difference between the retiree’s notion of ‘comfortable’ to that of the surgeon's, so stay well and keep fit do – the afore-mentioned 'purse-drainer' should not be encouraged to sap our lifetime acquisition of finances – well, no more than is absolutely necessary, and at a more appropriate moment in time - Sometime during the year 2060 sounds good to me, what say you? Welcome aboard!

Aug 12, 2012
You guessed it
by: Ricardo

You betcha in the same. I'm trying to become as prolific as "Gordon".....I have a LONG way to go...however I do like putting "thoughts to paper" as it were, and with your web site, I guess I am having some fun and sharing some of my ramblings with the likes of Gordon, Irwin, and anyone else that is interested and interesting.... Adieu!

My magic date is September 28th....look out world here I come,I will be joining the ranks!

Wendy WOW.. took me a while to put 2 + 2 together.. grin! Howdy!

Ricardo/Rikk -- I'd love to have you "blog" through your retirement. I'd set it up like Gordon or Irwin (see under "retiree blogs" to the left)... post a few before retirement, then here and there for the first year or so.

1 month before retirement-- what are you thinking?

1 week before retirement -- anxious?

THE day.. now what?

1 week later, 1 month later, whenever you have something to share!!

Readers -- if there is anyone who has studied the retirement transition, it's Ricardo! He joined my Retirement Transition email group a few years ago... first, it was very active.. now quiet. He was YEARS from retirement, but wanted to hear what happened to folks when they retired.

MOST new retirees don't even go there, until they are retired and fall down the rabbit hole. I LOVE that Ricardo actually looked ahead a few years to think retirement!

Ok, Ricardo, interested? It would be a great help to other new retirees who didn't think ahead... AND will give you a platform for your retirement thoughts and fears.

Aug 12, 2012
Retirement Transition
by: Anonymous


Hi! Retirement Transition is probably THE most difficult time that an older person needs to make an important decision. I also know that people are different when approaching retirement and will define this journey in different ways.

The question is: Are you planning your transition activities on mostly consumption activities such as leisure for the rest of your life, OR are you looking for productive retirement opportunities where you want to give back to Society in your own special way?

Joe W.

Aug 12, 2012
Love Your Take On "Maturing"
by: Zenobia

Thanks Rikk

As I was reading, I could visualize the way I looked upon "older" relatives as a child. They were fascinating people...with slight differences. They moved more slowly, but as I recall, were quick witted and not as jumpy as parents. Something in them had "settled" and you felt as if they knew what they were doing.

When I had my first child, I could hardly wait for my mother to visit. I had given birth in another state and when she came, it seemed that all was well with my world. I was a new wife and a new mother, and all of my "mature" bravado faded when she came and took that little boy out of my arms. I collapsed in tears as she went deftly about caring for him AND for me and my husband. By the time my husband came home from work, the dinner was ready, the baby quiet and his wife was calm and happy. That's what maturity does!

Now, I am the is not always easy to convince the young ones that we are capable and that we "know" things, but the biggest thrill for me right now, is the beginning again. All the doors I thought permanently closed, beckon to me. I am filled with new ideas and some kind of unknown vigor has beset me.

Thanks for sharing the way that you did. Writing like that only serves to egg me ( and many others) on to new adventures! At least I hope so!

Wendy: Zenobia, please please consider blogging your retirement adventures and thoughts on my pages! I love that "UNKNOWN VIGOR" as I feel quite the same! You could soooo help other retirees with your optimism!

I have NO women who blog here yet!!

p.s. no obligation, quit when its no longer fun, write as often or as little as time allows and the mood strikes you!

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